Our COVID-19 Response

Dear Friends, Family, and Valued Customers,
We face a challenging time and are navigating uncharted waters as we, like you, keep up with the news about COVID-19. Forden’s has faithfully served the Central Coast, providing excellent quality and a superior standard of service, and to continue doing so is our unwavering promise to you.
The health and safety of our local community and team at Forden’s is our utmost priority. It is our duty as individuals to prevent the potential spread of any infection. In that regard and in compliance with SLO County’s “shelter-at-home” mandate, our stores will be closed until further notice. We ask you to follow the County’s advisories as well to do our part in keeping our community safe and promote the health and wellbeing of our cities.
Our team will still be available to you by phone or email. We will continue with fireplace repairs and installs where it is absolutely essential and safe to do so while taking every precaution to protect the health of our team and our valued customers. As always, you may reach out to us if you are in need of any assistance or essential repairs of your fireplace, stove, or insert, don’t hesitate to call us on our regular line at 805-543-1090.
Our team looks forward to welcoming you back into our stores and greeting you face to face once it is again deemed safe to do so.
Best wishes and health,
Forden’s Fireplace Shop