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SLO County APCD Woodsmoke Reduction Program

The SLO County APCD recently released new information on their Woodsmoke Reduction Program. Below is information from their site,

"The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) is implementing the Woodsmoke Reduction Program throughout San Luis Obispo County. The Woodsmoke Reduction Program is part of a statewide program supported by the “California Climate Investments” (CCI) program that provides grants, as shown in the table below, to qualified applicants who replace existing wood burning stoves or fireplaces that are used as a primary source of heat in their home. Applicants can replace their old device with a natural gas, propane heating device, or a U.S. EPA certified wood stove or wood stove insert. Questions about our program and to see if you qualify, email us at

Please note that we will provide preference to low income households for the first 60 days of the program (January 6, 2020 through March 6, 2020), however we will accept all applications. Below are some updates and changes for this next round of funding. You can call 805-781-1003 if you have any questions or would like to check in on the status of the funding.

Program Requirements/Features

- Expanded change out options including pellet stoves and inserts and electric stoves or inserts. - Projects will have 90 days to complete their project and submit all required documentation.

- Eligible projects will be awarded first-come, first-served.

- Low-income applicants that can demonstrate eligibility may be eligible to receive an Enhanced Incentive amount - we will provide preference to low income households for the first 60 days of launching the program.

- Applicants MUST certify that their wood burning device is used as a primary source of heat in their home and specify the annual amount of wood they burn.

- Applicants must work with an APCD-Approved Dealership/Installer and work may NOT begin and no deposits shall be made prior to receiving an APCD voucher.

- If you have previously applied for our historic Wood Burning Change Out Program, you will be required to submit a new application and application materials.

- Households that have previously participated in the Woodsmoke Reduction Program and received an incentive are not eligible.

- Vacation home properties are not eligible for this program. The change-out must be located in a primary residence or long-term rental property.

SLO County households that are not low-income can apply at any time, but funding will not be committed for their projects until 60 days following the launch of the program (March 6, 2020). Eligible applicants that do not qualify as low-income will qualify for a Standard Incentive.

If you would like to review the California Air Resources Board’s Woodsmoke Reduction Pilot Program Guidelines for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Appropriation, they are accessible by clicking here."

Call us at Forden's today to see how we can help you take advantage of this great program!

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